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As 3D printing is becoming bigger, its potential will continue to grow and the technology will gradually find its way into every area and... Meet Genesis, the Self-assembling 3D Printed Car

As 3D printing is becoming bigger, its potential will continue to grow and the technology will gradually find its way into every area and part of our lives. Which is not a bad thing, given the wide range of possible uses.

So how would you feel about driving a 3D printed car? And more importantly, how would you feel about driving a self-assembling 3D printed car that is customized according to your specifications?

Meet Genesis, the Self-assembling 3D Printed Car

Fine, we agree that it may sound like science fiction and for the time being, you could say it is, since it is still just a concept. But the Genesis, as the self-assembling vehicle project is called, is not just a crazy idea from a sci-fi geek.

The brain behind the concept is Nis Siegel, a vehicle designer and graduate student of the Royal College of Art (RCA) in London. Moreover, the Genesis 3D printed car concept just bagged the top prize at this year’s Pilkington Vehicle Design Awards and Show organized by the Royal College of Art.

The main goal of Siegel’s project is to explore new manufacturing techniques for the automotive industry so as to allow consumers to have access and/or create products that are more customized and better reflect their preferences. According to the project brief provided by the RCA, the idea behind the Genesis self-assembling 3D printed car concept is to help evolve services and products based on the needs of the customers so as to avoid obsolescence.

So how would the 3D printed and self-assembled vehicle imagined by Siegel work?  It would most likely require a highly specialized 3D printed, which could be delivered to car buyers, who would be able to input all their specifications. The printer would then create the vehicle all around itself, according to the customer’s specs. It would literally build itself in front of your eyes while you wait.

Granted we may have a long wait ahead until we’ll be able to call our favorite car manufacturer and order a model customized to match our desires. But it can happen sooner than we think, if we keep in mind that a 3D printed hybrid car, the Urbee 2, is already nearing production. From there to self-assembling capabilities is only another step.

Meet Genesis, the Self-assembling 3D Printed Car

What do you think of the Genesis concept? Would you like to see the idea of a self-assembling 3D printed car become reality?

[Images via Nir Siegel]