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The latest leak news for the Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch is here. Now that we know it is coming on Spetember 4, we can... Leaked – Galaxy Gear Companion App

The latest leak news for the Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch is here. Now that we know it is coming on Spetember 4, we can get to the nitty gritty of what to expect from the new device.

A screenshot has been discovered on Twitter by @evleaks, confirming that the Galaxy Gear will support NFC-assisted connection.

The same source has also found a screenshot that shows a list of apps, which includes a “Find my watch” app. It also shows the model number for the device, which will be SM-V700.

Galaxy Gear App

The screenshot also shows that the app named “Samsung Gear manager”, gives you the options to change the clock settings, shortcut to other apps and use the obvious “Settings” and “Help” options.

No doubt as the release date draws ever closer we will continue to be drip fed information about the Galaxy Gear. Stay tuned for all the latest as it happens.

[Images via Twitter]